Monday, March 24, 2025
Activities & Clubs

Cricket Club

Would you like to play at one of the most picturesque grounds in the country, which recently featured in television advertisements.

We are a friendly only village team, playing matches both Saturdays & Sundays.

At West Wycombe Cricket Club we welcome players of all ages & abilities. We are a very social side, who are more about playing the game than the winning, but we do like to win as it makes the pint in the pub afterwards taste all the better.

We have an annual tour, the destination is still up for discussion, but it will be taking place towards the end of August

We hold winter nets sessions at Bucks New Uni in High Wycombe. These start at 11 am on Sundays for 1 hour & will run through until Easter.

We run junior cricket through All Stars Cricket for 5-8year old children and Dynamos cricket for 8-11 year olds with registration for these opening at the end of Feb 2020

Anybody looking for a club is welcome to come, join in & meet us in an informal setting. For Contact details please follow our link to our website.   twitter feed @westwycombecc    facebook page: West Wycombe Cricket Club


West Wycombe Cricket Club’s origins are lost in the mists of time!  Early documentation is difficult to come by.

The earliest document we have seen is a report in “The South Bucks Free Press, Wycombe, Maidenhead, and Marlow Journal etc.” dated Friday, August 21, 1885.  It reports on a two innings game between West Wycombe and High Wycombe Albion on West Wycombe Hill.  West Wycombe won by 5 wickets and 6 runs.  The West Wycombe side included W. Harris, W. Sexton and F. Hoing.

The oldest photograph we have is from 1892, top hats, stripy blazers an’ all!  Another photograph claims that the club were League Champions in 1899.  A photograph of 1912 has its players named, and a little research was able to produce some information about them.  Sir John Dashwood appeared in this photograph.

Between the wars I understand that there were two teams playing in West Wycombe.  West Wycombe CC played in the same field near the Pedestal as the then village hall and tennis courts.  This field was bounded on three sides by the railway line, Cookshall Lane and the Bradenham Road.  It is said that John Cousens hit a six that landed on a passing goods train, and John who worked at the station got the ball back from Greenford Goods Yard.  This is the furthest hit hit by anyone else in the club.  The other team was an Estate side that played in the ‘Palisades’ where we now play.

After the Second World War the village hall had disappeared.  The two teams amalgamated to become one, playing in the Palisades, using a traditional wooden pavilion that backed onto Towerage Lane.  We have minutes of annual general meetings from this time.

In 1961 the club folded, half way through the season.  In 1962 Don Currell, the secretary, resurrected it.  Only he and Don Stacey from the old team continued to play in the new club.  I do not know when our present philosophy of playing friendly village cricket was first introduced.  We have all the score books from 1962.

Quinlan Terry designed the present pavilion and Sir Francis Dashwood opened it in 1977.