Tuesday, March 4, 2025

St Lawrence Church

On the summit of West Wycombe Hill is the famous landmark, St Lawrence Church.

Built in the 14th century and then dramatically changed in 1763, this is certainly worth the climb up the hill .

Sir Francis Dashwood followed the example of many patrons of his time in restoring his medieval church. After a grand tour of Europe and the Ottoman empire, Sir Francis had some equally grand ideas – the famous Golden Ball is a copy of the Customs House in Venice.

Within the church you will see some amazing frescos. Artist were brought over from Italy to work on the Church interior as well as at West Wycombe House. In the Chancel there is a striking painting on the ceiling of The Last Supper by Giovanni Borgnis.
The church tower was also extended in this renovations. There are eight remarkable bells in the tower which can be heard ringing before church services, weddings, on national occasions and at fortnightly practices.

The tower is 80 metres high and there are over 100 steps taking you to the summit, the views from the top of the tower are amazing. The church and tower are currently closed to visitors prior to repair work on the tower, although some  public fundraising concerts are still taking place in church .  Watch out for updates at the West Wycombe churches Facebook page.


For more information about when the Church is open visit their website https://www.achurchnearyou.com/church/350/

Follow them on facebook on www.facebook.com/wwchurches/