Saturday, March 29, 2025
Activities & Clubs

Hellfire Motor Vehicle Club

We’re about people not just vehicles.

A few years ago now, I realised my father was becoming isolated and lonely. Living alone with established neighbours in the street moving on and his mobility decreasing, I could see he really looked forward to going to his local sports club a couple of times a week or having breakfast with friends at the local Morrisons.

Then the pandemic hit us, and it was obvious there were many more people in the same situation lacking social contact. Communities rallied round, and many people benefitted from the support they received. Post pandemic much of this support dropped away.

The non-family related things I value are those around my hobby, classics cars, and chatting to men of a similar age with the same interests. We drink beer or coffee, chat about cars, bikes, the news and politics.

Then in 2021 the Hellfire Motor Vehicle Club was formed, to get some of these people and machines off their sofas, out of their garages and into small groups to socialise, put on meetings and runs out to help others in need and start to improve both mental and physical wellbeing. Not just their own, but the people they help in the community.

The club is incorporated as Men with Machines CIC, a not for profit, runs five meetings a month, two in Stokenchurch (3rd Sunday morning of the month and 4th Thursday evening) has weekly coffee mornings called Coffee & Conrods at The Walled garden in West Wycombe on Wednesday mornings at 9:30am.

I hope we can do some good, however slight, and have some fun in and on old and newer machines in and around the Chiltern Hills. Google us to find out more.

David Banes, Co-founder