Wednesday, March 26, 2025

St Pauls Church

St Paul’s church is the village parish church just off the High Street in the largely National Trust village. Built in the 1870s when there was no road up to St Lawrence and winter conditions were too difficult for villagers to walk there, it is a pretty and much-loved church with an atmosphere of peace and calm. Local residents and visitors often come and sit for a time to reflect, prayer, and just be, away from the busy-ness of daily life .It holds regular services, and welcomes visits from the local schools with a range of community events in the flexible space.  The church has long been registered as a Small Pilgrim Place – defined as

  • Spaces for pondering, breathing, meditating, praying, and ‘being’
  • Small places, not those already on the map, well-known, or that draw crowds;
  • Simple, quiet and unpretentious, with the presence of the Divine;
  • Can be in places of worship, gardens, ruins, open air space, holy wells, etc.;
  • Welcoming and inclusive.

Admission into Church is free

To book a coach party or school visit their website

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