Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Activities & Clubs

West Wycombe Brass Band

The Band has been in continual existence within West Wycombe since it was formed on Saturday September 23rd 1871 by a group of Hand-Bell Ringers.

The Band Hall, which is tucked away behind the High Street in West Wycombe Village, was built as a Congregational Chapel, it was also used as a Church School.
In 1953 the Chapel, which is a Grade 11 listed building, was bought by members of the West Wycombe Brass Band, where we now practice on a weekly basis.

In 1974, the building was deteriorating through lack of maintenance. In particular, it was suffering from damp caused by earth piled up against the outside walls. The earth was dug away by members of the Band and a drainage channel was made on three sides of the building.

Also in 1974 a grant for £1000 was obtained from the European Architectural Heritage Year, £100 from the County Council and £100 from the Borough Council. The Band themselves raised the remainder of the money to complete the restoration.

In the mid-sixties the band started contesting and in 1971 was joined by Douglas Bird as Musical Director. Doug trained the Band up to win the Fourth Section National Finals at Hammersmith Town Hall in 1974.

West Wycombe Brass Band Website

Marilyn Gray
01494 481589